American gay officers come out on the internet

As the Americans put the (in)famous Don’t Ask, Don’t TellĀ  to rest, more gay miltary men are coming out on, where else, the internet.

Here’s a video of one who came out to his dad over the phone. He had been a closeted gay activist on Youtube for a while. So, it made sense to post the video there.

This other dude wrote for TIME magazine as Ofiicer X but only just revealed his identity.

Nigeria love to imitate America but the last thing that our government would do (at least for now) is pass a law that makes homosexuality anything but criminal.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? Here, it is DON’T BE (disgusting)!

The last time anybody came out here, he was given the beating of his life which earned him asylum in Britain. It also led to the bill that officially criminalised homosexuality in Nigeria.

Now let’s not even talk about the Nigerian armed forces…

Brad Pitt slams his marriage to Jen Aniston

I was going to title this post Brad Pitt disses Jennifer Aniston then I remembered that I have used the word “disses” so many times this week. Seems like rich people and Hollywood stars love dissing each other a lot.

Brad Pitt and Jenniffer Aniston

Looke more sad than dull...

So Brad Pitt does this interview with Parade magazine in which he finally opens up about the dissolution his first marriage. He went as far as blaming his marriage to Jen for the dull life he was living then.

“I spent the ’90s trying to hide out, trying to duck the full celebrity cacophony. I started to get sick of myself sitting on a couch, holding a joint, hiding out. It started feeling pathetic. It became very clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn’t living an interesting life myself. I think that my marriage [to actress Jennifer Aniston] had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn’t.”

Hmmm… The interview reads like he really harbours some resentment against her or their marriage. Na she propose give you?!

On the other hand, he praised his union to Angelina Jolie to the skies.

“One of the greatest, smartest things I ever did was give my kids Angie as their mom. She is such a great mom. Oh, man, I’m so happy to have her.”

Looks like the phrase “Poor Jen” is now back in vogue. She just can’t seem to catch a break from the Jolie-Pitts.

In an update he back-pedals and issues this statement

“It grieves me that this was interpreted this way. Jen is an incredibly giving, loving, and hilarious woman who remains my friend. It is an important relationship I value greatly. The point I was trying to make is not that Jen was dull, but that I was becoming dull to myself — and that, I am responsible for.”

You should have said that to begin with.

Oh well…

Lanre Da Silva falls off stage at New York Fashion Week

Who said fashion is not dangerous?

Lanre Da Silva at New Fashion Week

"Yee! Mo gbe!"

Look likes the runway was not wide enough.

Lanre Da Silva waves after tumble at New York Fashion week 2

"Ha! Don't worry. I didn't wound!"

Nope! It was.

Lanre Da Silva falls off stage at New York Fashion Week

"Ha! Mo ma jabo kuro lori stage!!"

I thought this was something that was peculiar to runway models… and Lady Gaga. But Da Silva is one designer who always look as hot or even much hotter than her models. Pity her shoes were not pictured.

Read full article here.

Kelis is called “probably a disgusting Nigerian”


She is even telling her fans "waka"!

A “red-faced” white man calls her “Kunta Kinte” and “probably a disgusting Nigerian”, she calls her kid “midget”.

When will we all stop with the name-calling?

Read Kelis twitter rant about her racist experience in a UK airport.

Read Guardian UK’s take on it.

After reading both, all I am thinking is “She calls her kid “midget”?!!”

Lord help the young boy’s psyche for when he grows up. And if he doesn’t grow tall enough, he shoud blame his mom. Her term of “endearment” proclaimed his future.

Check out Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son’s abs

Arnold Schwarzenegger 's son Patrick with friends

However, underneath the abs, I spy some love handles...

He is the one in the middle. Like father like son, you would say? Hopefully not, considering how father turned out.


Arnold Schwarzenegger beach bod

Conan's old age bod


Schwarzenegger son who is called Patrick is a model. No he-man roles for this one I see.

SEE Beyonce’s baby bump in flesh

Beyonce and Jay Z

What's that thing under Beyonce's bump


Erm, what’s the whole idea behind flashing the belly?

That’s why I like Nigerian women who “fear enemies” so tey you would not know the woman is pregnant till she has delivered. Even when you see her walking on the street with a 9-month bump, she would tell you she just ate.

Nollywood presents Lady Gaga, the movie

And this is after Rhianna and Beyonce and Blackberry Babes and Sharon Stone.

Lady Gaga, Nollywood movie

Them never begin sue this "local" producers.

I would love to ask: All those actresses who act in these movies, do they not take special pride in their craft or is it all about the money? Are they intellectuals or true creative people to begin with? If they are why would you allow your name be appended to such… I lack words for what these things are and what they do to my sense of outrage!

What are your thoughts?

Madonna disses Lady Gaga


Madonna does not all those props to be Gaga. She was certainly born this way.

Well, sort of.

Check out this comment she made on her inspired (If Madonna is inspiration, Gaga would be inspired, right?)

“As for Lady Gaga, I have no comment to make about her obsessions having to do with me because I don’t know whether her behavior is rooted in something deep and meaningful, or superficial.”

– culled from TIME, that got it form E! Online that got it from Le Soir that actually did the Madonna interview. That’s the internet!

Oh! And this after dissing a fan’s genuine gift. Who does this Madonna think she is, huhn?! Some superstar?! A legend?! An icon?! A one-named person who says whatever the ef she wants to and the world be damned?!

How do you like your Jesus?

White with blue eyes? Brown with brown eyes? Black with kinky hair? Or a tatooe biker-type Jesus?

This is not really Jesus, you know?

Almost since Christianity decided that they would depict their Lord in pictures, there has been controversy of what he should really look like. Seems like the Lord’s looks changes depending on who is believing in him. Or the times.

There are some who feel there should be a more modern (updated) version of Christ. Obviously, still with the blue eyes but brawny to differentiate him from the growing effeminate male culture.

The point is no matter how you like Jesus, robed with long hair or clean-shaven and tatooed, it is not what he looks liek that matters but how you see him in your fellow man.


Read original article here.

The wife-battering high commissioner has been recalled

He does look like a boxer.

But if I know Nigeria politics, would soon reinvent himself as a Senator or one person’s special assisstant or the other.

Thanks to the fight by Kenya women rights group some measure justice has been done but of course no further action would be taken now. After all, it is a domestic issue…


Read full story here